AusBiz News

Best practices in business management

Best practices in business management

Engage employees in the company vision It is important to share the business vision with employees so that they feel more motivated and enthusiastic. This will not only develop an interest in the work being completed, but also increase productivity. Further, engaged workers are more likely to bring in ideas…

Protecting your business from cybercrime

Protecting your business from cybercrime

Having a digital presence nowadays is crucial to getting the most out of marketing your business. However, being online puts you at risk of being a target for cybercrime, which means that you and your customers are at risk of being scammed, hacked, harassed or stalked. Business owners have legal…

Speeding up invoice payments

Speeding up invoice payments

Taking care of invoice and billing payments can often be an onerous task for many small businesses. However, very few things are more important in the business industry than getting paid on time, since delays in payments can disrupt a business’s cash flow quite seriously. Business owners looking for best…

Making employees feel valued

Making employees feel valued

Statistics have shown that employees who feel valued are more motivated to perform their best. But how can a business make employees feel valued so that they can encourage this behaviour? Recognition It can be as simple as letting employees know that they are valued. This can occur one-on-one or…