AusBiz News

How innovation can help business

How innovation can help business

Innovation doesn’t have to be a revolutionary and world-changing breakthrough. It can also be small changes you make to continually improve your business. Innovation can help in multiple aspects of business. Improve sales and customer relationships: Putting the time and effort into improving your products and services is essential if…

Customer retention strategies

Customer retention strategies

Retaining customers is just as important as acquiring new ones, if not more important. This is because unless customers had a negative experience with your company, they will use your services or buy your products again.  Here are some strategies you can use to retain your customers: Observing customer behaviours:…

Breach of employment contracts

Breach of employment contracts

Employment contracts contain terms and conditions which both the employee and employer agree upon. Ideally, this contract should be written rather than confirmed verbally to avoid miscommunications or misunderstandings. Contracts may also contain implied terms i.e. not misusing confidential information.  Employment contracts are also governed by legislation that provides further…

Super scams What to look out for

Super scams: What to look out for

The market for super funds is extremely competitive. Scammers take advantage of this by promising unrealistic benefits to acquire personal or account details. They are able to use this information to steal your identity or transfer your super to an account they can access.  Scammers can approach you in various…